Coach Steve Bacon
Steve Bacon is a living testament to the power of resilience and personal transformation. His unique gift lies in his ability to reshape individuals' self-image and transform their entire existence.
Coach Steve is a master at Identity Reconstruction. As an Intuitive Mentor to Leaders, Founder and CEO of Belief Theory, Master Life Coach, International Speaker, and Author, Steve has dedicated his life to helping others achieve self-mastery, discover their inner power to overcome any obstacle, rewrite their destinies, and create lives of unparalleled success and fulfillment.
As an excavator of human potential, Steve knows how to dig deep into your self-image, childhood stories, and past traumas/baggage in order to help you discard all parts of you that no longer serve you and that are keeping you from creating and experiencing your ultimate happiness.

Are you ready to become the happiest version of yourself?
Imagine what would be possible...
If you show up being the happiest version of yourself simply because your mind is clear of fear, worry and doubt...
Imagine knowing that whatever you choose to create will come to life simply because you said it would....
And you start creating in months, weeks, or even days what you thought would take you years.
Steve teaches continuous conscious creation so that high achievers can
Go further than they imagined…
Faster than they thought possible…
With less effort than they believed it would take.
Without this you are creating more work for yourself and taking longer to reach your goals than necessary.
Does this sound too good to be true? Good. It sounded too good to be true to me too until I created $400K in my business in the first year that I learned and applied conscious creation to my life.
Keep reading...
You are always creating, every minute of every day, but you are doing it unconsciously without being aware of what you are creating (default future).
When you are unaware of what you are creating, it feels like life is “happening to you”, accomplishing your goals feels circumstantial, or your relationships become unnecessarily difficult. All of this is because you are not aware of the cause of your creations. Yourself.
Conscious creation is taking full responsibility for anything you create and experience.
It is not about fault or blame.
It is about ownership of your life.
When you play victim, wanting to point fault or blame at someone or something outside of yourself, you unconsciously put someone/something else in control of your life.
Conscious creation is the ability to purposefully and intentionally design your reality.
Every thought, feeling, belief, and intention that you have matters. Your words are creating the world you experience. For example, by saying you have a “half” sibling you verbally create distance between yourself as family members. When you say “I’m not good at that” you are creating an unnecessary limitation because you are implying that your current skill set is permanent (which couldn’t be further from the truth). With enough time and attention you could be good (or great) at anything!
You are infinite creative potential and your words, beliefs and thoughts are the only things that limit you. These are a by-product of your self-image which then creates the life you experience.
Conscious creation gives you the power to design yourself and your life the way you want it to be right now.
My only question for you is, what kind of life would you like to create?

This package includes
- Eliminating childhood trauma, anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt from your past
- Completely reshaping your identity
- Cultivating mastery level inner peace
- 3 month coaching agreement
- Six (6) bi-weekly coaching sessions via Zoom (2 hours ea.)
- Unlimited text access
- Meditation Coach 3x week for the duration of our coaching time together.

Rebirth Retreat
A personally curated VIP retreat to
create your new self-image in 5 days at the dream destination of your choice.​
*Domestic & International Options Available*
Now Accepting Applications.

"The Ritz-Carlton of Retreats"
- Judy E.
What You Will Experience
This package includes 5 days personally created to provide you both a relaxing and life changing experience in your journey.
You can look forward to experiences like:
Deep, soul-level transformational coaching sessions that will reshape you at a subconscious level
Powerful meditations to start experiencing mental peace now
Art Therapy experientials to unlock and express new dimensions of your self-image
Unforgettable excursions while surrounded by breathtaking views
"New You" Photoshoot at sunset
Lodging, meals and transportation at retreat included. *Airfare not included*
Plus a special gift that will last a lifetime!

“My favorite part of the weekend was finally releasing myself from myself and all the negativity. I instantly just felt this huge burst of energy saying,
and I sure as hell am."
- Danielle M., Voice Actress
“It was really eye opening, everything seems a lot clearer and brighter now. Realizing and understanding there's nothing wrong with me and I've come up with these stories based off this kid that was ruling my life for so long. I was like, "okay I can let the hurt, pain and suffering go because I'm not that person." I've allowed myself now to release that kid. ”
- Samantha S., Entrepreneur